Monday, June 23, 2008

Riding the Bike

I have decided to start riding my bike to work. There are a couple of reasons for this.

1-I feel that I have to make some protest against the ridiculous price ($4 gallon) of gas.

2-I have been telling myself for a couple of years that I should ride my bike to work when I am not in school so that I can get in shape, and I finally decided that the time was right.

As Thursday was my first day school free, I decided that this was one of the best days to start. I buckled on my helmet and jumped on my bike and took off. I have to be perfectly honest that within the first mile, I was very tempted to turn around, get my car and drive to work. There was only one thing that stopped me, the fact that I had opened my BIG mouth and told everybody at work that I was going to ride my bike. Right around the Cascade Golf course, it got really easy as it all started going downhill. Whew, if it stayed this way, than I could definitely ride my bike more often (let's just not think about the way home yet.)

I made it to work in a wonderful 55 minutes. Not bad for traveling 9 miles, huh?

The way home, that was quite another story. I got to Will's Pit Stop and had to get off my bike. I really felt that my legs were going to fall off. Have you ever had that feeling? It isn't fun. I eventually got on my bike again as I rationalized that if I walked the rest of the way home it would take me much longer than the 2 hours that I had figured. See, when you are going uphill, it will probably take twice as long, right? I finally made it though! In just under an hour and a half! As I have continued, I am getting a little faster and today, I only got off to walk up the stupid Orem hill rather than 3 times before that. Pretty good, huh?

As I have started riding around Provo/Orem, I have learned some things that I would like to share.

1-Cars do not pay attention to bikes. Beware and keep your eyes wide open if you are the one on the bike!
2-The worst cars/vehicles to drive by you on the road is the UTA Bus. They blow the hottest air on you. (Not really fun when you are dying of the heat anyway.)
3-When a bug smacks into your face when you are going downhill really fast, it is a little gross. Actually, really more than a little gross, it was really gross!
4-There are some parts of Orem and Provo that smell really good (especially by the country club on University Ave right around dinner time, can we say yummmm???)
5-There are also some parts of Orem and Provo that smell really bad.
6-Riding downhill is really a lot of fun!
7-Your behind hurts more on the way home because it is all uphill and you end up sitting on the seat more...can we say ouch?
8-You really start hating the bicyclists whiz past you as you are struggling up the lowest grade hill. But you REALLY hate the runners that are going faster than you!
9-There is a nice spot by the office buildings just north of Borders that makes a great place to stop and stretch and drink some nice water.

The most important thing that i have learned?

10-A ride down the canyon with my buddy Tait looks and sounds really awesome about the time I reach the mouth of Provo Canyon!


Lindsey said...

You are one brave woman!!! I don't think I could do that in this kind of heat!!!

HBC said...

I love it! I am so impressed! I use to ride my bike to work in the that I'm in AF I become a wuss.