Ah-hem. Nobody will comment that it is the very tail end of November and I am just barely blogging about Halloween. It is important that I get the story down, right?
The little bit of pumpkin cleaning out that Little Man did. |
We had fun this Halloween. It was busy, but relaxing at the same time, and I felt like it snuck up on us! We did a couple of fun things. We learned that the Utah Water Conservation place in Orem had a pumpkin walk. You could show up in costumes and walk around and look at the pumpkins that people had carved. They had little activities that all the kids could participate in. It was really a lot of fun! They had a box that you had to put your hand in and guess what it was that you were touching. If you got most of them, you got a big candy. If you were like Little Man, you just pulled everything out! haha, he gave it away for all the kids behind him. He only got a tootsie roll!
Baby K wanted to be involved in what we were doing! |
The night before Halloween, we carved pumpkins. Little Man and Baby K (I really need to come up with another name for Baby K) were pretty lucky. Both Granny and Grandma gave them pumpkins so we had LOTS to carve! Little Man chose what he wanted for his and for Baby K's pumpkins.
"Mom, my baby wants twiangle eyes and a smile! I want glasses." So, we did the best we could. Little Man did NOT like cleaning out the pumpkin. He found the seeds and guts to be kinda gross. But, he loved sitting on the floor and 'creating' his very own pumpkin.
Momma, what is this fun thing? |
The very best of carving pumpkins? Taking them out onto the porch and watching daddy put candles inside of them! I think Little Man thought he was in heaven! He loved watching Mike light the candles. :)
I got the lid! Can I eat it? I tried to make Baby K's pumpkin like him with 4 teeth on top and 2 teeth on bottom, but I accidentally broke one off while cutting around it. |
On Halloween, my awesome baby-sitter brought Little Man and Baby K down to my work to do a little trick-or-treating. It was quite an eye opener to learn the limits of how long Little Man would wear his costume. He had it all the way off before he trick-or-treated my entire work. :) He was very good at getting candy and only taking one.
So proud of his pumpkin with glasses that looked like a minion, but it wasn't. |
I got off work early and went home so that we could go trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. While we were out, we ran into Little Man's bestie, Little Miss M and her brother and sisters. We seriously love the Peacocks. Sadness though, while coming down a porch, Little Miss M fell and got cut up pretty good. She ended up going home to be with her mom to hand out candy. She left her very real blood on the porch. {sadness}
This pumpkin won me 3rd prize in my work pumpkin carving contest. |
Mike ended up catching up with us and going the last half of our neighborhood with us. I loved that all of us were together going around the neighborhood. I love being with my little family. Little Man quickly ran out of steam and I went up to the last 10ish houses to get his candy for him. haha! I didn't get the "aren't you a little old" line once. :)
Help me! |
I felt a little bad in that, all of our neighborhood was out at the same time we were, so we didn't get to hand out very much candy to people we knew. Next year, maybe we will carry our candy with us and give it out as we run into people out and about. haha!
How adorable are my boys? |
It was a little hard getting a very tired, but very excited 3 year old to bed that night. We kept getting trick-or-treaters (who we didn't know at all!) and every time the door was opened, Little Man was out of bed. He wanted to be the one to hand out the candy. We finally gave up and turned our lights out a little before 9 PM. Yet, I still saw people going around outside.
My little pirate. |
I love watching my boys do things together. Little Man is the perfect age where he is getting things and he gets excited and really into them. It is the magical age. {grin} He is definitely getting Christmas. He told a visiting member of our stake presidency on Sunday what he wanted for Christmas. A couple of weeks ago, it was a kitchen. Now it is a 'BIG airplane and a car that goes WAY fast!' My vote would be for the car that goes WAY fast instead of the kitchen that will take up lots of room in our small home. :)
My fireman hero! |
I can't wait until we continue to get into our Christmas celebrations. I am going to make a countdown chain with Little Man to start a countdown. On each ring will be a scripture about the Savior. As we tear off a ring to countdown for Christmas we will get to read a scripture about the Savior. I am excited for this. Little Man often prays for Jesus, or the man that we love. The first time he prayed for the man that we love, I asked him, "Who is the man that we love?" He looked at me like I should know and said, "Jesus mom." So simple. I love watching his faith develop and grow. The other night when Mike told him he needed to go straight to bed he threw a fit because we hadn't done our "scwiptures and pwayers" yet. This little boy is an example to us. We love him!